+9221-111-111-721  +92-321-829-6919
Standard Capital Securities (Pvt) Ltd formed in 1990 and converted into a corporate entity in 1998 is primarily engaged in providing full scale brokerage services. Acting as a responsible entity, we strive to provide our clients best possible resources required for intelligent investing and generate superior returns. We are committed to providing our clients comprehensive financial services in the area of equity brokerage and investment advisory to help achieve their goals.
Our aim is to go beyond protecting your existing wealth. Our financials experts will show you how to grow and expand that wealth so your future is secure. Our financials advisory and investment management policy is based on a foundation of strategic planning.
You have a personal financial consultant that monitors your portfolio regularity. The ever changing nature of today's market place demands constant supervision and long term investment guidelines to take advantage of every opportunity. We design a personalized financial plan and investment proposal, tailored to fit your individual needs. Your Financial Consultant will also assist you in developing a complete financial strategy to reach and exceed your investment and Financial goals.
Strategic investment in emerging capital markets of growing economies like Pakistan has a high probability of providing attractive returns. Obviously, investment in securities in developing countries involves certain risks, because of substantial volatility in their economies. However, this volatility is the main factor responsible for making the Karachi Stock Exchange a highly discounted and cheap market translating into greater potential for higher returns.
One of our goals is to maximize your return with minimal risk exposure. We achieve this by diversifying your portfolio. In conjunction with this, Standard Capital's research team prepares sector sensitivity analysis to guide proper diversification.